3rd Century (4)

The Caesars would not tolerate this worshiping of the one God only. It was counted as treason. Thus their worship became a special threat to the unity of the state during the third century and during the reign of Diocletian (284-305).How Should We Then Live, 22

405      2024-01-06     0
if there be anyone who can discover something better and prove what he says by clearer statements out of the holy scriptures, let his opinion be accepted in preference to mineOn First Principles, Book 2 Chapter 6

1.1K      2016-07-20     0
While the great heresy of the second century was Gnosticism, the outstanding heresy of the third century was MonarchianismThe History of Christian Doctrines (83)

1.1K      2016-07-14     0

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